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Hannah's Story - Baby Franklin

Writer's picture: BirthBagBirthBag


Due date 23/10/2016.

Birth date 22/10/2016

On the 20th October 2016 my husband and I had spent most of the morning in our new house doing DIY. I was happily smashing down wardrobes and taking old beds apart. After having a break for lunch we decided to take the dog for walk. Mid way through our (very slow) walk, I felt heavy and sloth like so we headed back and got back to work with the DIY.

About 4pm I started to feel a little uncomfortable and had slight period pain twinges so I decided to rest on the sofa. 45 minutes later I told my husband that I thought this could be the start of something so we headed home for the day. On the way home we got stuck in traffic (hooray for living in London!) The period type pains were getting stronger and we realized that this indeed was the start of labour!

We had a chilled evening eating take out and watching TV and then went to bed. All the time the contractions were getting stronger. I had what felt like a minutes sleep and at 7am I gave up trying and got in the bath.

10.30am I went to pee and as a contraction came my waters EXPLODED while I was sitting on the toilet! I saw (what I thought) was too much blood so my husband called an ambulance and we headed to hospital with the amazing paramedics.

I was examined and told I was 4cm. We wanted a pool birth but as the midwife led unit we were on was short staffed we had to stay on the labour ward and their pool was out of action. At 5cm I had a shot of pethidine, which was outrageously good and that took me comfortably through to 8.5cm.

12.02am on 22/10/2016 I was finally ready to start pushing. 1 big push for his head (which I then felt with my hand while waiting for the next contraction!) and 2 more little pushes and Franklin was born 12.13am.

While my husband had some quality skin to skin with our new Babe, our lovely midwife tried to guide me through birthing the placenta. After trying for 10-15 minutes a doctor was called in and deemed it a retained placenta. I was wheeled down to surgery where I had to have an epidural so they could manually remove it. 2.5 hours in surgery I was stitched up and went into a recovery room where my husband was expertly looking after Frank!

It wasn't what we 'planned' but it was perfect! ♥️

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